Tuesday 4 June 2024


Welcome to our educational blog for teaching secondary school students English as a Foreign Language (EFL)! Created by dedicated educators Carlos Herrera Peralta and Noelia Gutiérrez Pérez, this blog aims to make learning English engaging and effective. All of our theoretical content and exercises are themed around the captivating short story writing The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1820) by Washington Irving. Through this classic tale, we aim to teach key lexical and grammatical concepts, ensuring that our students improve their language skills and enjoy the learning process. Join us on this spooky adventure as we explore new vocabulary, delve into grammar, and bring the story of Sleepy Hollow to life in our EFL classroom.

Audiobook of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Ever heard the whispers of a legend that chills you to the bone? Let's delve into the timeless American classic, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1820), by Washington Irving. Sit back, grab some pumpkin spice and get ready to be enthralled by the tale of a sleepy town, a peculiar schoolmaster named Ichabod Crane, and a headless horseman with a grudge. In this video, we bring Irving's masterpiece to life with a full audiobook narration. So, dim the lights, let the narrator weave their magic, and prepare to be transported to Sleepy Hollow!

Disney Adaptation of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Now, the spooky chills haven't quite left us, have they? But fear not, because we're about to take a lighter turn on the tale of Sleepy Hollow. Next up, we'll be revisiting the legend through the whimsical lens of a Disney adaptation! Get ready for a version that captures the spirit of the story with a touch of Disney magic. Will the Headless Horseman still strike fear? Will Ichabod Crane find his happily ever after? Buckle up and join us for a spellbinding (and perhaps a little less frightful) adventure!

Book of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Still bored by the flickering glow of the screen? The spooky season (or any season, really!) is the perfect time to curl up with a good old-fashioned book. And what better book to choose than the very one that sent shivers down your spine just a moment ago? That's right, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1820) by Washington Irving awaits! This classic tale of Sleepy Hollow, Ichabod Crane, and the Headless Horseman has captivated readers for generations. If you missed some of the narrator's delicious phrasing in the audiobook, or the whimsical touches of the Disney adaptation, here's your chance to experience the original story in all its glory. So, grab a cozy blanket, settle into your favorite reading nook, and prepare to be transported to Sleepy Hollow by the power of words!!! 

BLOCK 1. Characters of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

The legend wouldn't be the legend without its unforgettable characters! Now that you've been chilled by the tale and perhaps charmed by its Disney twist, let's delve deeper into the folks who inhabit Sleepy Hollow. From the lanky Ichabod Crane to the alluring Katrina Van Tassel, and of course, the mysterious Headless Horseman himself, we'll dissect their personalities, motivations, and the roles they play in this timeless story. But wait, there's more! We can't forget the mischievous Brom Bones, whose presence adds a layer of intrigue and perhaps even a touch of humor to the spooky atmosphere. So, grab your detective hat and magnifying glass – it's time to meet the cast of Sleepy Hollow!

BLOCK 2. Vocabulary related to The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Feeling a bit behooved to expand your vocabulary after encountering some unfamiliar words in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1820)? Fear not, intrepid reader! Just like Ichabod Crane encountering the spooky denizens of Sleepy Hollow, we might come across some words that leave us feeling a bit lost. But don't worry, for this next section is your guide through the tale's rich vocabulary. We'll explore some of the more challenging words used by Washington Irving and unpack their meanings. So, get ready to transform from a bewildered villager to a word-wielding master of Sleepy Hollow!

BLOCK 3. Grammar related to The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

The legend of Sleepy Hollow (1820) unfolds like a winding path, taking us from the quaint routines of the townsfolk to the heart-pounding chase of Ichabod Crane. But have you ever wondered how the author weaves these moments in time together? In this section, we'll be dissecting the story's grammar, specifically focusing on the past simple and past continuous tenses. By understanding how Washington Irving uses these tenses, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the story's flow and how it builds suspense, depicts everyday life, and ultimately delivers a chilling climax. So, dust off your grammar books and prepare to unlock the secrets of time in Sleepy Hollow!


Welcome to our educational blog for teaching secondary school students English as a Foreign Language (EFL)! Created by dedicated educators C...